A web application on Citrix.com with customized search and filters for finding Citrix partners by location, industry focus areas and view partner profiles with contact information, industries served, services offered and certifications.
My Role:
Complete front-end development for Citrix Partner Locator section; Responsive web development for the pages (to be launched in Phase II); Interface with Adobe Experience Manager (Content Management System) to create pages and templates for the above (client-side).
Client-Side Technologies Used:
HTML, CSS, JQuery/Javascript; Responsive web front-end development using Foundation framework (phase II) and custom client side JS components.
Software and Other Methodologies:
Adobe Experience Manager 5.6 (Content Management System by Adobe, formerly Adobe CQ); Git for version control; Eclipse IDE; Jenkins for Java builds; JIRA, an issue tracking and project management software in an Agile process.

Citrix Partner Locator Landing Page: Search

Citrix Partner Locator Search Results: Refine by Location

Citrix Partner Search: Refine by Partner

Citrix Partner Locator: Partner Details Page