WVU Research Highlights
Biannual print magazine showcasing research at West Viginia University
Biannual print magazine showcasing research at West Viginia University
This is a biannual research magazine which features highlights of research conducted at West Virginia University. It was designed and produced as a sustainable, low-impact and low budget alternative to typical 8X10 size glossy research magazines.
The Spring 2012 issue was featured by renourish.com as a tier 3 greener design project.
Features of the magazine (Spring 2012, Fall 2012) that reduce environmental impact:
Environmental savings using this particular cascades product compared to products in the industry made with 100% recycled paper were as follows (based on cascades calculator):
0 tree, 3,366 L of water (10 days of water consumption), 61 kg of waste (1 waste container), 204 kg CO2 (1,366 km driven), 1 GJ (6,430 60W light bulbs for one hour), 1 kg NOX (emissions of one truck during 2 days)
My Role: Layout design, graphics, posting content (articles written by WVU authors) and preparing the publication for printers (external).
The Spring 2012 issue was featured by renourish.com as a tier 3 greener design project.
Features of the magazine (Spring 2012, Fall 2012) that reduce environmental impact:
Environmental savings using this particular cascades product compared to products in the industry made with 100% recycled paper were as follows (based on cascades calculator):
0 tree, 3,366 L of water (10 days of water consumption), 61 kg of waste (1 waste container), 204 kg CO2 (1,366 km driven), 1 GJ (6,430 60W light bulbs for one hour), 1 kg NOX (emissions of one truck during 2 days)
My Role: Layout design, graphics, posting content (articles written by WVU authors) and preparing the publication for printers (external).

This magazine was featured with tier3 award in sustainability on re-nourish. Design and strategy by me, Chitra Tatachar; Editor, Gerrill Griffith. The magazine features research highlights at WVU with articles by many writers all across WVU schools.